Frankly, I'm not impressed with the way 2010 began so far. It's repeating 2009 and I find that rather stupid. Watching my son trying to work out whether or not he likes cheerios has been one of the highlights of 2010 so far. My mother told me this morning that one of my cousins back home had a miscarriage. This would have been her second child. My other cousin here had a similar tragedy. His wife learned that their second baby may have died at 27 weeks.
I finally got the chance to go around and see them yesterday. Her stomach was there, obviously, as was the thought in my head that so was dead body. Scary thought, carrying around a dead child inside you. I was planning her baby shower. We had the decorations, themes, foods, games, all worked out. Hadn't gotten around to making the purchases since it would have been two months from now. I did however send out email invitation to over a hundred some odd people. Now I have to uninvite them. What am I supposed to say, "sorry, the party is cancelled because the baby is dead?"
I'm not trying to make light of the situation but what else can you do? If you don't laugh, you won't be able to stop crying. Now I'm trying not to think about how my cousin is going to have to be induced and all the complications that can take place. I don't want to think of the worst case scenario. But I don't want to cry either.
As I watch my son, who's either trying to pull off his bib (it's one of those that goes over his head rather than around his neck) or strangle himself with it, I laugh. He makes me laugh. My god-daughter makes me laugh. Her mother and father makes me laugh. I am not going to cry because if God is who he says he is and his word is true, then I will be laughing by the end of the next week. For right now, I'm going to go out and do some groceries.
I'm just waiting for the next time the four of us will get together and watch my son do the tumble weed across the floor while my god-daughter gives us her evil chuckle before going off to play again. We got two miracles of life, and I know there will be another once this is all over. On that note, I'm leaving before my car freezes again.
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This is the last post to this blog. The purpose of this blog was to record
the journey to motherhood and I did that. It's not really about my son, he
15 years ago