Motherhood.....My Way

I've often had to dodge the question "so, how is motherhood?" I thought maybe I should take the time to work out the answer to that question. And you're the lucky audience who gets to hear me expound on the answer as I figure it out.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Mummy Club

I got an email from a friend the other day which felt as if someone had lit a match in the darkness, shedding a little bit of light if only for a moment. I was looking at photos another friend has posted to her Facebook of her two girls. I'm not someone who has made a practice of collecting friends so I could probably count on one hand how many I have. It's nice to know that I am right about the women that I have chose to share my life with, those that I call my friends are worth of that honour and title.

The last few months haven't been easy and I have a feeling it will get worse before it gets better. So I'm pretty much praying my way through to my next step, taking each day at a time. It's nice to know that as I navigate this world of dirty nappies, spits ups, teething, strapped finances, I'm not alone. I've gained new respect for my fellow mothers in the Mummy Club. But at the same time, I'm petrified, too petrified to even run scared.

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